South Tech

Type: Website

My role: design, backend, front-end e hospedagem


Website for a final couse apresentation (theme: Technology focused school).

South Tech project screenshot
South Tech project screenshot
South Tech project screenshot


The website arose from the “course completion work” made by a group from the Administration course (ETEC Antônio Devisate - SP/Brazil), the idea was a school focused on technology. Produced in the first half of 2023, design and development done by me. The result was a success, with the proposal and needs satisfied.


Since is a website made for a presentation, just a few features were added. The main one is the communication form, the data was placed in the database and then were used.

Challenges and learning

Understand the project and understand the needs was the main challenge. Learned a lot about hosting.

Let’s work together. Today.

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