Murillo Pinheiro de Oliveira

Building websites with responsiveness, accessibility and user experience in mind.


Hi, there! I've been a web programmer for a few years. I know back-end but my focus is the front-end part of applications. Much of what I learned was from forums, online courses and the experience of getting my hands dirty.

However, I have already studied 'Systems Development' at ETEC Devisate (2022-2023), and am currently studying 'Computer Science' at Unimar (both brazilian institutions).


Billy Mentoria

Design-related mentoring website

South Tech

Website for a final couse apresentation (theme: Technology focused school).

Isaque Designer

Website made for sharing links related to the client.

Interactive Card Details Form

Website that simulates a credit card form.

Billy Design

Website made for sharing links related to the client (Abilio).

história de tudo (clone da interface)

Self-explanatory title, just a simple copy of some parts of the site.

Calculador de Gorjeta


A simple and elegant landing page.


A very simple landing page.


A simple but totally responsive landing page.

Digital coins related website

What people say

Some feedback from people I worked with. I hope yours is next.

Murillo is a very talented front end developer and I must say he is an excellent professional. He helped me understand the company's front end development process and started working with me and was very helpful. I am impressed by his work ethic and communication skills."

Jay Bates

Co-Founder of

GB flag

Dude, I was extremely impressed! You are a true programming expert, impeccable work."

Abilio Rafael


BR flag

What I use


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